Conveyancing Professionals
Chris Smith 250 425 5521 www.purcell-law.ca
Leon Pigot - Pigott & Co 250.352.9380 www.pigottandco.com
Deanne Monroe - Nelson Notary 250.551.4711 www.nelsonnotary.com
Ken Watson - Watson & Co 250-352-6580 www.nelsonlawyers.com
Building Inspectors
Jacques Laplante - Hive Home Inspections 250.551.1284 www.hivehomeinspections.ca
Nathan Wheaton - Timberline Inspections 250.505.3899 www.timberlineinspections.ca
House to Home Inspections 250.777.2421 www.housetohomeinspection.ca
Home Insurance
TD Insurance 1.866.361.2311 www.tdinsurance.com
Hub International 250.352.5366 www.hubinternational.com
Kootenay Insurance Services 250.352.5341 www.kootenayinsurance.ca
BCAA 250.505.1720 www.bcaa.com
Arborist & Fire Smart Services
Dan Smart 250 505 9234 www.wardentree.ca
Mortgage Brokers & Lenders
Melanie Ward 250 352 2693 www.wardmortgages.com
Derek Diener 250 505 5850 www.derekdiener.com
Ashleigh Holtman 250 365 9516 www.holtmansmortgages.ca
Trevor Makortoff 604 209 8647 www.bayfield.ca
Nelson District Credit Union 250 352 7207 www.nelsoncu.com
Kootenay Savings Credit Union 250 359 7221 www.kscu.com
The Hume Hotel 250 352 5331 www.humehotel.com
The Adventure Hotel 250 352 7211 www.adventurehotel.ca
The Alpine Inn & Suites 250 352- 5501 www.alpine-motel.com
The Best Western 250 352 3525 www.bwbakerstreetinn.com
Prestige Lake Resort 250 352 7222 www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Cloudside Hotel 1 800 596 2337 http://www.cloudside.ca
Dancing Bear Inn 250 352 7573 www.dancingbearinn.com
Ainsworth Hotsprings 1 800 668 1171 www.ainsworthhotsprings.com
The Villa Motel 1 888 352 5515 www.thevillamotel.com
The Savoy Hotel 778 463 0050 www.savoyhotel.ca
Kokanee Glacier Resort 250 825 9421 www.kokaneeglacierresort.com
Ainsworth Motel 1 888 848 4463 www.ainsworthmotel.com
Things to do
White Water Ski Resort 250 354 4944 www.skiwhitewater.com
Baldface Skiing 250 352 0006 www.baldface.com
Red Mountain Ski Resort 250 362 7384 www.redresort.com
Nelson Museum 250 352 9813 www.nelsonmuseum.ca
Kootenay Gallery of Art 250-365-3337 www.kootenaygallery.com
Capitol Theater 250 352 6363 www.capitoltheatre.bc.ca
Nelson Civic Theater 250 352 5833 www.civictheatre.ca
Queen City Escape Rooms 250-551-4166 www.queencityescaperooms.com
Nelson District Community Complex 250 354 4386 www.rdck.ca
Nelson District Arts Council 250 354 8177 www.ndac.ca
Kokanee Mountain Zipline 1 844 764 4484 www.zipkokanee.com
The Craft Connection 250 352 3006 www.craftconnection.org
Cody Cave Tours 250 359 2283 www.codycavetours.com
The Cube Indoor Climbing 250 352 2808 www.cubeclimbing.com
Kokanee Creek Provincial Park 250 825 0117 www.kootenayswparks.com
Nelson Paddleboard and Kayak Rentals www.nelsonpaddleboardandkayak.com
Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism www.nelsonkootenaylake.com
Granite Point Golf Course 250 352 5913 www.granitepointe.ca
Balfour Golf Course 1 866 669 4653 www.golfbalfour.com
Castlegar Golf Course 1 800 866 0324 www.golfcastlegar.com
Redstone Resort 1 877 362 4555 www.redstoneresort.com
Kokanee Springs Golf Course 1 800 979 7999 www.kokaneesprings.com
RDCK Public Contractors List